Cork 103 FM Health Slot November 7th

Anneliese talks natural health matters with Patricia Messenger on Cork 103FM November 7th. All products can be ordered over the phone and posted out.

Listen again here:

  1. Osteoporosis: Too much calcium can increase your risk of hardening of the arteries and therefore of heart attack and stroke. Unless you have very little calcium in your diet, it is better not to take high doses of calcium in supplement form. Magnesium, boron, Vitamin C and Vitamin K2 are essential to build healthy bone and Vitamin D3 important to absorb calcium from the diet. Our customers get great results with Nature’s Plus Garden Bone Support. Also good in Biocare Osteoplex. A great all round product for bones is Nature’s Plus Mag/Cal/Vit D.
  2. Diverticulitis: Diverticulosis is where pouches blow out in the smooth muscle of the intestine. Food and other matter can get stuck and become infected – this is called diverticulitis. Prevention is the key. It is important to have a daily bowel movement with no straining. Psyllium husk added to cereal is a gentle fibre. Aloe Pura Aloe Complex is a gentle natural laxative. Good bacteria will help guard against infection so take a good probiotic like Udo’s 8 or Nature’s Plus Microbiome.
  3. Thinning hair: Best for hair that is thinning and not growing back – Nourkrin. Best for poor quality hair is biotin.
  4. Pains in joints: Natural anti-inflammatories like curcumin, boswellia and devil’s claw can help with the pain. Chicken or UCII cartilage can help maintain healthy cartilage in joints and slow down or prevent wear and tear.
  5. Sleep support: L-Theanine and Lemon balm can promote calm and rest. Valerian is great to quite the busy body, busy brain. NHP Advanced Sleep Support is a great success with our customers.
  6. Blocked ear: If the ear is blocked with wax, ear candles are great to gently suck out hardened and trapped wax. If there is mucus in the ear passages, plantago is the best herb and safe for children also.